Minutes of Meeting held on 1st March, 2022
- Cllr. Osborne chaired the monthly meeting, which followed the Annual Parish Meeting. Those attending were Cllrs. C Smith, P Chapman, S Smith, J Shepherd, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and four members of the Public.
Apologies received from Cllr. I Franklyn.
Cllr. Chapman declared an interest in Item 13 on the Agenda and left the room at the appropriate time.
The minutes of the last meeting were Emailed to all Councillors and agreed and signed as necessary.
Balance at Bank
It was noted that the balance at the bank is £10,687.21 in the Current A/C and £1651.81 in the Primrose A/C.
Bus Shelter
It had been reported that someone was again using the bus shelter. This had been reported to the Homeless people.
Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations
Cllr. Smith reported on the meeting that had been held and explained what events will take place. Discuss again next month.
Telephone Box
Mrs Caroline Pallett had offered to paint the telephone box if Parish Council supplied the paint. Clerk to order the paint at a cost of £60. Parish Council to write a cheque for this amount to the Clerk.
Proposed Cllr. Chapman
Seconded Cllr. S Smith. -
Accounts to Pay
- Cornish & Devon Post £49.20 (Inc. VAT)
Proposed we pay Cllr. C Smith
Seconded Cllr. Shepherd. - Clerks Salary + Expenses £538.00
Proposed we pay Cllr. S. Smith
Seconded Cllr. Chapman.
- Cornish & Devon Post £49.20 (Inc. VAT)
Funeral Provision Discussion Group
Consultation Request. Clerk to find out how many spaces in the Graveyards at Eden Chapel and Jacobstow Church.
Cornwall Council
- Approved planning Application for PA21/10880 – Sunnyside, Jacobstow
- PA/21/12451 – Land East of Little Beckaveans, Jacobstow – Application Withdrawn.
Planning Application PA22/01346
Steel portal frame building for Agricultural machinery/fodder storage adjacent to and in matching style to existing buildings in vicinity - Hele Barton, Week St. Mary. Cllrs. C.Smith and S Smith to visit. This was then agreed by Councillors to support the Application.
Damaged Speed Visor
Cormac Solutions Ltd received a report that the Speed visor at Wainhouse Corner on the westbound carriageway of the A39 had been damaged. Cornwall Council’s contractors attended to make it safe. However it will need to be removed and replaced which will take approx. 12–14 weeks due to current lead times.
Pre-Opt New Councillor
As no one had replied to the advertisement for a new Councillor the Chairman to contact Mr. A Vogel to see if he would accept the position.
As there was no further business the meeting was closed at 9.05.
Date | Payee | Amount |
01.02.22 | Duchy Defibrillators Ltd (Annual Fee) | £228.00 |
01.02.22 | Data Protection (Annual Fee) | £40.00 |
01.02.22 | Jacobstow Parish Hall (Hire for meetings) | £96.00 |
01.02.22 | Annual Donation - Eden Graveyard Fund | £150.00 |
01.02.22 | Annual Donation - Jacobstow Church | £150.00 |
01.02.22 | Annual Donation - Cornwall Air Ambulance | £200.00 |
01.02.22 | Annual Donation - Childrens Hospice (SW) | £200.00 |
01.02.22 | A Vogel (Clearing guttering etc.) | £70.00 |
Date | Payee | Amount |
01.03.22 | Cornish & Devon Post (Meeting Advert.) | £49.00 |
01.03.22 | Clerks Salary & Expenses | £538.00 |