An Ordinary Meeting will be held in the Hall on Tuesday 5th October, 2021 at 7.30pm
- Public Question Time
- Apologies
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensations in respect of this Agenda
- Minutes (Matters Arising)
- Balance at Bank
- May 2020 Election
- Accounts to pay:-
Ross Wilmshurst – Footpath Trimming - £605.39 - Planning Application – PA21/07873 - Change of use of land for an extension to the existing holiday static caravan park to provide four additional static pitches together with extended access track to serve additional units – Edmore Caravan Park, Edgar Rd, Jacobstow
- Planning Application PA21/08733 – 2, Cory Close, Wainhouse Corner – Rear Extension
- Donation to Jacobstow Journal
- Climate Ecology Bill
- Discuss Queen’s Jubilee
- Correspondence (To note contents of Letters and any Planning Applications received since Agenda printed)
- Email from St. Gennys PC
- The Wyldes
- The Inclusion Matters Programme
- Industrial Units at Wainhouse Corner
- Eden Chapel
- Councillor Matters