October 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on 6th October, 2020

  1. Cllr. Osborne chaired the monthly meeting of the Parish Council which was held via Zoom. Those attending were Cllrs.P Chapman, C Smith, D. Adey, C Pallet, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and one member of the public.
    Apologies received from Cllr. Vogel and Cllr. Franklyn.
  2. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations

    No declarations.

  3. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting had been sent to all Councillors, these were agreed and signed as necessary.

  4. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the Bank was £10,338.58 in the Current A/C and £5795.18 in the Primrose A/C.

  5. Footpaths

    Cllr. Pallett reported on the Footpaths, they are still awaiting a quote to fix the steps at Blagdon. Also the gate on Footpath 5 has been locked since March. Contact Chris Monks regarding this.

  6. Spring Bulbs

    Cllr. Chapman reported that the Spring bulbs had arrived and packages of bulbs would be delivered to all Councillors for planting.

  7. Shrubs

    It was suggested and agreed that we buy some Shrubs to be planted in the “W” at Wainhouse Corner. Cllr. Osborne to see the owner.
    It was proposed and agreed to spend £50. Proposed by Cllr. Pallett Seconded Cllr Adey. Unanimously agreed.

  8. Accounts to pay:-

    Footpaths Trimming Account - £603.75
    Proposed we pay Cllr. Pallett, Seconded Cllr. Chapman
    Unanimously agreed.

  9. Bus Shelter at Wainhouse Corner

    A letter had been received from a Parishioner asking if a Bus Shelter could be installed at Wainhouse Corner as several children wait there for a School Bus. The same letter was being sent to St. Gennys Parish Council. Cllr. Chopak would speak to St. Gennys PC at their next meeting and would look into the possibility of obtaining a grant from Cornwall Council.

  10. Parish Hall

    An Email had been received from the Parish Hall asking if they could obtain a grant from the Primrose Fund towards money they had lost as a result of the Covid 19 crisis. Cllr. Chopak said they should have received a grant from the Government and that she would contact the Treasurer on this matter.

    1. Planning Application PA20/07948

      Outline Application for one dwelling, with all matters reserved except for access. Land on The West Side of 1 Barn Close, Wainhouse Corner, Bude.- Clerk to reply saying Councillors wish to make no comment.

    2. Website Accessibilty

      As the Councils Website is not compliant with the new regulations the Clerk is looking into the question of making it compliant or getting a quote for a new Website. Discuss again next month.

  11. Planning Application PA20/03729

    Construction of 13 affordable dwellings to rent to include formation of new vehicular/pedestrian access and Infrastructure – Land East of Oakdeane, Edgar Road, Wainhouse Corner. Proposed we support Cllr Chapman Seconded Cllr. Smith. Unanimously agreed. They would like the Bude 5 Conditions put in place ie:-

    • Local Sustainable materials used
    • Renewable heat source on roof
    • Ground Source heating
    • Rainwater
    • Car Park should be porous
  12. Planning Application PA20/05631

    Siting of fifteen bell tents with decking, fire pit and composting toilet. Provision of communal cooking and washing area. Provision of open-air freshwater swimming pool, formation of new vehicular/pedestrian access along with parking area and other associated. Barton House, Canworthy Water, Launceston. – Councillors support the idea in principle but have major concerns. Firstly this site is on a known flood plain also it has very poor road access. The Car Park is not big enough and is in the worst place for flood.
    The toilets and shower block can’t soak away because of the ground conditions in that field. The soil is non permeable.
    We would like the Planning Officer to visit and walk the proposed site.
    Four Councillors object to this proposal and one is in support.

  13. Letter from Cllr. Vogel

    Clerk had written a letter to Cllr. Vogel pointing out that the six months rule now applies. In view of this Clerk to advertise for someone to be co-opted.

  14. Councillor matters

    1. A member of the Public had asked if a Black & White Bollard, with a reflective red light could be put at the end of the bungalow “Almar” to show that the road gets very narrow and two cars are not able to pass each other. Clerk to write to Oliver Jones regarding this.
    2. Also report yet another Pothole on the road from Eden Chapel to Ferretts Cross, near Tobarn.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm.

List of Expenses for October, 2020
Date Payee Amount
06.10.2020 R Wilmshurst (Footpaths Trimming) £603.75