Minutes of Meeting held on 7th November, 2023
- Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the Ordinary Meeting of the Council with Cllrs. P Chapman, I Franklyn, J Shepherd, A Vogel, S Smith, one member of the Public and the Clerk, Mrs D.A. Turner attending.
Apologies received from Cllr. Norman Osborne and County Cllr. Nicky Chopak.
Declarations of Interest/Dispensations
No declarations in respect of this Agenda.
The minutes had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed as correct.
Balance at Bank
It was reported that the balance at the bank was £14,992.93 in the Current A/C and £4340.53 in the Solar A/C.
It was reported that the access bridge at Penhallym has been cordoned off for some time. Clerk to write to English Heritage regarding repairing this. Many local people, dog walkers and visitors use this footpath.
Mrs Carter reported on the work that needs to be done on the footpaths. She also wants to resign from being Footpath Co-Ordinator. It was decided to ask Mr Chris Lloyd to report things that need doing to the Clerk in the future to be discussed at the following Council meeting. It was agreed that Cllr. Chapman would help get the heavy wood to the footpaths. Clerk to find out if the Council’s Insurance Policy covers any accidents that happen on a footpath.
D Day 6th June, 2023
Lighting a Beacon was discussed. It was decided to put a note in the Journal asking if any Organization are interested in doing this for the Parish.
Edgar Road Closure
The new date for this closure is 13th November 2023 – 26th January 2024.
Cory Close
Email received from two residents regarding the noise from one of the Working Units. The Clerk had already replied stating that Cornwall Council are looking into this.
The 2024/25 Precept was discussed and it was agreed to apply for £5,500 as last year.
Cornwall Council
Cornwall Council have approved Planning Application No.23/07410 – East of Little Beckaveans, Jacobstow.
Councillor Matters
Clerk to find out from Cllr. Chopak where to apply for the new houses being built at Goldfinch Close, Jacobstow.
Parish Hall
Clerk to contact the Parish Hall Committee regarding installing Internet in the Hall. Parish Council would help to finance this.
Cory Close Sign
As the sign at Cory Close still hasn’t been replaced Clerk to look into this.
Wainhouse Corner Parking
Complaints received from Parishioners in respect of Parking on the Canworthy Water road just off the A39. Cars park on the junction to walk round to the Shop/Post Office or to go to the Pub. Clerk to contact Oliver Jones to see if anything can be done ie. Double Yellow lines or a “No Parking” sign.
As there was no further business the Meeting closed at 8.55pm