November 2021 Agenda

An Ordinary Meeting will be held in
The School Hall on Tuesday 2nd November, 2021 at 7.30pm.


  1. Talk by members of Bude Network
  2. Public Question Time
  3. Apologies
  4. Declaration of Interest/Dispensation in respect of this Agenda
  5. Minutes (Matters Arising)
  6. Balance at Bank
  7. Holy Well
  8. Telephone Box
  9. Online Planning Training
  10. Planning Application PA21/ 09489 - Straw bedded agricultural shed for housing livestock - Hele Barton, Week St. Mary, Holsworthy
  11. Correspondence - (To note contents of Letters and any Planning Applications since Agenda printed)
    1. Email re-speeding in Jacobstow
    2. Email from Oliver Jones
  12.  Councillor matters