December 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on 3rd December, 2024

  1. Cllr. Peter Chapman chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. N Osborne, A Vogel, I Franklyn, S Smith , J Shepherd, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and the Clerk, Mrs. D.A. Turner attending.
  2. Apologies

    Apologies received from Cllr. C Smith

  3. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations

    No declarations in respect of this Agenda.

  4. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed.

  5. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the bank is £19,439.59 in the Current A/C and £3340.53 in the Solar A/C.


    Clerk had attended an online course and where it would be advisable for Councillors to have their Email address as it is not compulsory. There is a grant to set this up at the moment.

  7. Precept for 2025/26

    It was discussed and unanimously agreed to ask for the same precept as previous years i.e. £5,500.00 Proposed Cllr.S. Smith Seconded Cllr. I Franklyn.

  8. Goldfinch Close

    It was decided not to have plastic benches for Cory Close so the Clerk was asked to find prices for other metal benches.

  9. Dog Fouling & Horses

    Cornwall Council will put a sign regarding the dog fouling and the Clerk will make a sign for ‘no horses’.

  10. Duchy Defibrillators

    Email received regarding putting Bleed control kits in the Wainhouse Corner Defibrillator at cost to the Council. Councillors decided not to do this.

  11. Town & Parish Council Elections 2025

    Notifications received of the revised costs for the May 2025 Elections.

  12. Accounts to pay

    Clerks Salary - £581.70 being £550.00 Salary and £31.70 Expenses Proposed to pay Cllr. S Smith Seconded Cllr. Osborne

    1. Hall Broadband

      Councillors unanimously agreed to pay for the installation of Broadband in the Hall and the yearly cost. Clerk to write to the Hall Committee saying that they will review the cost next year and will expect some contribution from them.

    2. Cyber Crime awareness

      Someone from the Police will speak on this at the Parish Meeting in March.

    3. Local Maintenance Partnership

      Correspondence received stating that the annual payment next year will be £715.65.

    4. PA24/27478 - Ash Cottage, Jacobstow -

      Cornwall Council had approved this Application.

    5. Bus Service to Tesco

      Complaints had been received from Parishioners that the bus no longer drops them off in the Car Park at Tesco, they have to walk from the road. Clerk to write to Tesco to see if they could re-instate this.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

List of Expenses for December 2024
Date Payee Amount
03/12/24 Clerk £581.70 (£550.00 Salary £31.70 Expenses)