November 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on the 5th November, 2024

  1. Councillor Charmaine Smith chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. P Chapman, A Vogel, S Smith, J Shepherd, I Franklyn, N Osborne and the Clerk, Mrs D.A. Turner attending.
  2. Declaration of Interest/Dispensation

    No declarations in respect of this Agenda.

  3. Minutes

    The minutes of the last meeting were Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed.

  4. Balance at Bank

    It was reported that the balance at the bank was £20,639.59 in the Current a/c and £3340.53 in the Solar a/c.

  5. Goldfinch Close

    Correspondence received from the Housing Assoc. saying that it is difficult coming out of the Close onto the road. They were asking if the Parish Council could put a mirror. Councillors felt that it is the responsibility of the Housing Assoc. to do this and suggested that they should cut the hedge back which would give better vision.

  6. Dog & Horse Fouling

    A resident reported that dog walkers and horse riders use the walkway between Tregenna Close and Cory Close fouling the pathway. Clerk to ask Cornwall Council if signs could be put asking people to pick up after their dogs and a sign to say it is not a bridle path.

  7. Defibrillator

    Invoice received from Southwest Ambulance Service for £1,000 plus VAT £1,200 for four years cover on the defibrillator at the Parish Hall.
    Proposed we pay Cllr. S Smith Seconded Cllr. P Chapman.

  8. Planning Application PA23/03746

    Canworthy Water - Cornwall Council have refused permission on this.

  9. Planning Application No PA24/07478

    Ash Cottage, Ash Farm, Jacobstow - Proposed extension to dwelling. Councillors support this Application
    Proposed Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. Vogel.

  10. Planning Application PA24/07225

    The Barn, Edgar Road, Jacobstow -
    Demolition of existing building and erection of one dwelling. Councillors unanimously support this Application. Proposed Cllr. Osborne Seconded Cllr.Chapman.

  11. Appeals

    En23/00774 – Land South of Witheven Cottage, Jacobstow PA23/09863 – Dovedale Cottage, Broad Langdon, Jacobstow

  12. Planning Application PA24/07424

    Edmore Park Caravan Site, Edgar road, Wainhouse Corner – Provision of one additional static Caravan Pitch. Replacing one existing touring pitch. Councillors unanimously support this. Proposed Cllr. S Smith Seconded Cllr. N Osborne.

    1. Bude-Stratton Town Council - Skate Park facility – Councillors decided not give a donation towards this.
    2. Domain Helper Service - online briefing – Clerk to attend this online.
    3. Telecommunications Resilience Planning – Correspondence noted.
  13. Councillor matters

    Councillors discussed purchasing a couple of seats for the new estate Goldfinch Close. Clerk to find prices of heavy duty plastic seats.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.40pm

Expenses for November, 2024
Date Payee Amount
05/11/2024 Defibrillator outside Jacobstow Hall (Four years cover ) £1,000.00 Plus VAT £1,200