Minutes of Meeting held on 6th August, 2024
- Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the Ordinary meeting with Cllrs. A Vogel, J Shepherd, S Smith, N Osborne. & The Clerk attending.
Apologies received from Cllr. P Chapman & I Franklyn.
Declaration of Interest
Cllrs. C Smith & N Osborne declared an interest in Item 10 on the Agenda and left the room at the appropriate time.
The minutes of the previous meeting had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed as necessary.
Balance at Bank
The balance at the bank was £18,470.59 in the Current A/C and £4340. 53 in the Solar A/C.
Solar Farm
It as noted that Cllr. Peter Chapman would represent the Parish Council at the Planning hearing.
Bridge repairs
A quote from Chris Lloyd was received to do the bridge repairs which was £100.
Accounts to pay:
Chris Lloyd – Annual Footpath Trimming - £680.00
Proposed to pay Cllr. J Shepherd seconded Cllr. Vogel -
Goldfinch Close
Parishioners were not happy with the way allocations for the new dwellings at Goldfinch Close were dealt with. The properties should have been for Jacobstow residents first. Clerk to write to the local MP Ben Maguire and Angela Morrissey, Head of Housing, Cornwall Rural Housing regarding this and saying that any future developments should have a Representative from the Parish on the selection committee.
Planning Application No PA24/05096
Conversion of chapel into dwelling and Change of use of outbuilding to ancillary residential use etc. – Reply saying Councillors disagree with this Application. They would like a more definitive plan for the ancillary building and the Sewerage system.
Email received saying that detailed plans have been drawn up for the replacement bridge also quotes for the installation obtained however its extremely unlikely that English Heritage will have the funds to complete this work in this financial year.
Neighbourhood Watch
There was no response from the Journal message to start a Neighbourhood Watch in the Parish.
Drop-in Roadshow
A Drop-in Road Show will take place at Week St. Mary on 28th August, 2024 regarding the new Waste collection.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.25pm