June 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 4th June, 2024

Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. A Vogel, I Franklyn, J Shepherd, S Smith and the Clerk attending.

  1. Apologies

    Apologies received from Cllrs. P Chapman, N Osborne and County Cllr. Nicky Chopak

  2. Declarations

    There were no declarations in respect of this Agenda.

  3. Minutes

    The minutes had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed.

  4. Balance at Bank

    It was reported that the balance in the Current A/C is £19,154.99 and in the Solar A/C £4340.53.

  5. Neighbourhood Watch

    Discuss this next month.

  6. Electric Vehicle Charging Study

    Report received on the amount of charging points that will be needed in the future.

  7. Account to pay :-

    Mrs D.A. Turner £627.40 (being £550. Salary and £77.00 Expenses)
    Proposed we pay Cllr. S Smith Seconded Cllr. J Shepherd

  8. Planning Application No PA24/02227

    Land at Broad Langdon, Jacobstow. This has been approved by Cornwall Council.

  9. Conflict of Interest for External Auditors

    Form confirming there is no conflict of interest with the Auditors BDO LLP duly signed.

  10. New Development – Goldfinch Close

    Details received regarding the size of the new houses and the rent for each.

  11. Account to pay :-

    All Points Accountancy £55.00
    Proposed we pay Cllr. J Shepherd Seconded Cllr. Vogel

  12. Councillor matters:-

    1. The School Car Park was discussed
    2. Excess Water on road at new Housing Estate. Clerk to contact the Housing Assoc.
    3. Donation to Jacobstow Journal - Discuss next month

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.15pm

Expenses for June 2024
Date Payee Amount
04.06.24 Mrs. D.A. Turner (being £550.00 Salary & £77.40 Expenses) £627.40
04.06.24 All Points Accountancy (Internal Auditor) £55.00