Minutes of Meeting held on 1st February, 2022
- Cllr. Osborne chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. C Smith, P Chapman, I Franklyn, S Smith & J Shepherd attending.
Apologies received from Cllr. Nicky Chopak
There were no declarations in respect of this Agenda
The minutes of the previous meeting were Emailed to Councillors , agreed and signed as a true record.
Balance at Bank
The balance at the Bank is £10,687. 21p in the Current A/C and £1651 81p in the Primrose A/C
It was discussed and agreed to spend up to £500.per year on footpath maintenance. Mrs Carter is looking for someone to look after the footpaths as Ross Wilmshurst wishes to retire from the job.
Telephone Box
Mrs Caroline Pallett will paint the telephone box if we supply the paint. Mrs Carter to Email the Clerk with details of the paint.
Accounts to pay
- Duchy Defibrillators Ltd £228.00
- Data Protection - £40.00
- Jacobstow Parish Hall - £96.00
Unanimously agreed to pay these. Proposed Cllr. Chapman
Seconded Cllr. C Smith -
Cornwall Council
Cornwall Council had approved Planning Applications
- PA21/09813 – Old Wainhouse Inn, Wainhouse Corner, Bude
- PA21/03729 – Land East of Oakdene, Edgar Road, Wainhouse Corner – 13 Affordable dwellings to rent.
- PA21/09489 – Erection of Shed - Hele Barton, Week St. Mary
Annual Donations
It was unanimously agreed to give the following donations to charities:-
- Eden Graveyard £150
- Jacobstow Church £150
Proposed Cllr. Chapman
Seconded Cllr. S Smith- Cornwall Air Ambulance
- £200 Children’s Hospice (SW) £200
Proposed Cllr. Shepherd
Seconded Cllr.C Smith -
Planning Application PA21/12451
Application for Outline Planning with all matters reserved for the construction of a dwelling – Land East of Little Beckaveans, Jacobstow. Clerk to reply:-
Councillors cannot support this Application. There is poor visibility on this very narrow road. It is a single track road, unlit and will be a danger to the Owner and to passing traffic. Also there are three buses twice a day to the local School plus a service bus and many cars twice a day to and from school. There is also insufficient curtilage. The site is significantly higher than the road so any run off water will exaggerate the existing problem with surface water.
Councillors would like to request a site visit for this Application -
from Mr A Vogel amounting to £72 for clearing the guttering on the Parish Hall. Proposed we pay Cllr. C Smith Seconded Cllr Chapman
Funeral Provision Discussion Group
The Group are asking for Representatives from the Parish Council to attend their meeting.
Correspondence received to apply for a grant for any small Highway problems.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm