Minutes of Meeting held on 11th January, 2022
- Cllr Osborne chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. P Chapman, C Smith, I. Franklyn, J Shepherd, S Smith and County Cllr. Nicky Chopak attending.
There were no Declarations of Interest or Dispensations.
The minutes of the previous meeting had been Emailed to Councillors and were agreed and signed as necessary.
A letter was received from Cllr. C Pallett confirming that she wishes to resign from being a Councillor. Clerk to write to her thanking her for her helpfulness as a Councillor.
Balance at Bank
The Clerk reported a balance at the bank of £11,472.82 in the Current A/C and £1,561.81 in the Primrose A/C
Accounts to pay
Election Costs - £255.00
Proposed we pay Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. S Smith. -
Queens Jubilee
This was discussed and it was decided to hold a meeting with all the local Organizations i.e. Scouts, Guides, WI etc. to get ideas on how to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Cllrs.C Smith and S Smith to arrange this. A notice for this to be put in the Journal. Cllr. Osborne to contact Mr Wilton to ask permission to light a beacon on the mound on his land.
Holy Well
The Clerk had contacted Mr Shepherd, the Owner of the land to the Holy Well. They were happy for local people to use this path but did not want any Permissive path signs etc. to be put at the entrance. They would like Walkers to ring the farm to ask permission as there is often cattle in the field. This to be put in the Journal as well.
Regarding the fencing needed Mr. Shepherd will do the fencing and send the Council the account for the cost. -
Speed restriction Intention
A speed restriction has been applied for for work on the A 39 from Treskinnick Cross to Wainhouse Corner for the 24-25th March 2022.
Councillor Matters
- Cllr. Chopak said she had ordered the Flower Bombs for the village and these would be delivered soon.
- It was noted that Cornwall Council had approved Planning Application PA21/08733 – 2 Cory Close. Wainhouse Corner.
- Oliver Jones had Emailed saying that the pot holes on Edgar Road off the A39 would be inspected. Also the Plymswood sign will be done in the new Council year.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.30pm.