For the latest information, please visit the Goverment's Coronavirus page.
On a more personal level this is what is happening in the village to help.
Wainhouse Stores are offering home deliveries for groceries. All you need to do is phone the shop on 01840 230554 with your order, which they will prepare for you. They wil then ring you back to take your card payment over the phone and arrange delivery to you.
You can also use the Post Office services remotely from charging your electric key and phone card. Send post or parcels and arrange some payments, talk to the staff to see exactly what services they can offer you.
As you will see from your Journal some clubs and groups will probably be cancelled in the village hall, you need to contact the organisers directly for further advice.
In these troubling times, please, if you know of an elderly or infirm person just make the time to contact them and see if they need any help. It could just be that they would like a chat to pass the time, obviously you will have to be careful with contact, maybe phone them rather than go round. Or you could just shout at them over the gate!
Let’s all keep safe and look out for each other. We came through the war, this will not defeat us!