July 2021 Agenda

An Ordinary Meeting will be held in the Hall on Tuesday 6th July, 2021 at 7.30pm


  1. Apologies
  2. Public Question Time
  3. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations in respect of this Agenda
  4. Minutes (Matters Arising)
  5. Balance at Bank
  6. Accounts to pay:-
    Ross Wilmshurst – Footpath Work £90.00
  7. Planning Application PA21/03671 – Proposed demolition of existing garage & outbuildings and construction of new garage & workshop with re-location of existing oil tank - Barton Villa, Canworthy Water, Launceston
  8. Planning Application PA21/04666 – Change of use from agriculture to siting of five Shepherd Huts for use as holiday accommodation – Uppercourt, Broad Langdon, Jacobstow, Bude
  9. Planning Application PA21/04416 – T1 – Beech to be felled as dead top unbalanced and hanging over pathway
    T3 Beech, large limb mid way up to be removed as client fears the tree is weighted towards his property - The Old Rectory, Jacobstow, Bude
  10. Cornwall Council approved Planning Applications for:-
    •  PA21/04237 – Marlands Farm, Broad Langdon, Jacobstow
    •  PA21/02562 – Sunnyside, Jacobstow
    •  PA21/03991 – Land Situated above Foxglove Cottage, Jacobstow
    •  PA21/03132 – Sams Meadow, Jacobstow
  11. Correspondence (To note contents of Letters and any Planning Applications received since Agenda printed.
  12. Councillor matters