February 2025 Minutes (DRAFT)

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 4th February, 2025

  1. Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. P Chapman, N Osborne, A Vogel, S Smith, J Shepherd, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and the Clerk attending.
  2. Apologies

    Apologies received from Cllr. I Franklyn

  3. Declarations/Dispensations

    No declarations in respect of this Agenda

  4. Minutes

    The minutes had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed as necessary.

  5. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the Bank at present is £18,857.89 in the Current a/c and £3,340.53 in the Solar a/c.

  6. Accounts to pay:-

    • Bude Solutions – Website £184.80
      Proposed Cllr Chapman Seconded Cllr. Vogel
    • Duchy Defibrillators (Annual fee) £245.00
      Proposed Cllr. S Smith Seconded Cllr. Chapman
    • Jacobstow Parish Hall (Yearly hire) £187.00
      Proposed Cllr.Chapman Seconded Cllr. Vogel
    • Data Protection (Annual Fee) £40.00
      Proposed Cllr. S Smith Seconded Cllr. Vogel
  7. Stratton Medical Centre

    Correspondence received saying there will be a meeting on 27th February, 2025

  8. Road Closure

    Notice received of a road closure from Treskinnick Cross to Collamoor Head from 3rd March, 2025 – 22nd March, 2025 (19.00-06.00.)

  9. Climate & Nature Bill

    Correspondence received and Emailed to all Councillors.

  10. Annual Donations

    A discussion was held and it was unanimously agreed to donate the following:-

    • Jacobstow Parish Church - (Graveyard fund) £150.00
    • Eden (Graveyard Fund) £150.00
    • Cornwall Air Ambulance £200.00
  11. Planning Application No PA24/09796

    Proposed erection of a horse barn with loafing areas and track, parking area and assoc.works – Land South West of Lower Blagdon, Jacobstow. – Councillors unanimously support this Application.

  12. Planning Application No PA24/09727

    Proposed temporary rural workers dwelling – Land South West of Lower Blagdon, Jacobstow - Councillors unanimously support this Application.

  13. Appeal

    Witheven, Meadows, Jacobstow – The appeal was dismissed and the enforcement notice is upheld. The enforcement notice is varied by the deletion of “12 months” and its substitution with “24 months”

  14. Windel Solar Farm

    Reply to Cornwall Council saying “Jacobstow Parish Councils policy hasn’t changed from their previous reply.”

  15. Goldfinch Close

    Clerk to write to Housing Asso. to confirm they would like a couple of benches for Goldfinch Close and the positioning of them.
    It was decided to get the plastic benches. Proposed Cllr. Chapman
    Seconded Cllr. S. Smith. Also find out if we could put a concrete base for the them.

  16. Councillor matters

    1. A complaint was received regarding the water pressure round the Wainhouse Corner/Langdon Cross area. At times the pressure is very low and when there is a power cut there is no water at all. Clerk to write to SWW about this.
    2. Ask a representative from Jacobstow School, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and someone from the Police to speak at the Annual Parish meeting in March.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45pm

List of Expenses for February, 2025
Date Payee Amount
04/02/2025 Bude Solutions (Website) £184.80
04/02/2025 Duchy Defibrillators (Annual fee) £245.00
04/02/2025 Jacobstow Parish Hall (Yearly Hire) £187.00
04/02/2025 ICO (Data Protection) £40.00
04/02/2025 Jacobstow Parish Church (Graveyard Fund) £150.00
04/02/2025 Eden Graveyard Fund £150.00
04/02/2025 Cornwall Air Ambulance (Donation) £200.00