February 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on 2nd February, 2021

  1. Cllr. Osborne chaired the monthly meeting of the Parish Council which was held via Zoom. Those present were Cllrs. I Franklyn, D. Adey, C Smith, P Chapman, C Pallett, S Smith and County Cllr. Nicky Chopak
  2. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations

    There were no declarations.

  3. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting were Emailed to Councillors and agreed and signed as necessary.

  4. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the bank was £8,183.53 in the Current a/c and £4,393.99 in the Primrose a/c.

  5. Accounts to pay:-

    • Duchy Defibrillators – Wainhouse Corner Defibrillator - Annual Fee £160
      Plus one off Set up Fee £125.00 + VAT (Total £342.00)
    • Information Commissioners Office - Annual Fee £40.00
    • Hire of Parish Hall - £48.00

    Proposed we pay Cllr. C Smith Sec. Cllr. P Chapman

  6. Bus Shelter at Wainhouse Corner

    Cllr Osborne to contact Michael Vanstone to find out cost for the base for the Bus Shelter. Cllr Chopak to speak to St. Gennys PC.

  7. Annual Donations

    It was discussed and agreed to pay the following amounts to the various charities.

    • Jacobstow Church Graveyard Fund - £150.00
    • Eden Graveyard Fund £150.00
    • Bude Memory Café £50.00
    • Cornwall Air Ambulance - £200
    • Children’s Hospice SW - £200.00

    Proposed Cllr. Smith Seconded Cllr. Chapman Unanimously agreed

  8. Telephone Box Shelves

    An estimate from Mick Carter had been received for wood to make shelves for books in the Telephone Box. This amounted to £100 - £150 with labour free of charge.

  9. Defibrillator signs

    Signs to show that the Telephone box now has a Defibrillator in was discussed. Cllr. Smith said they would be £70. on line. Clerk to contact Defibrillator Company to see if they have any signs.

  10. A39 Footpath

    The footpath onto the A39 was discussed. Cllr. Chopak to look into the possibility of putting steps and a handrail. Also the Footpath sign needs replacing.

  11. Voss Bridge

    It was reported that Voss Bridge had again been damaged. When this is repaired signs to be put at either end to say its not suitable for heavy goods vehicles.

  12. Pot Hole

    It was also reported that there are bad pot holes near Medlands Cllr. Chopak to sort this.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45pm

List of Expenses for February, 2021
Payee Amount
Duchy Defibrillators – Wainhouse Corner Defibrillator £342.00
ICO – Data Protection £40.00
Hire of Parish Hall £40.00