Minutes of Meeting held on 7th December, 2022
Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the Ordinary meeting with Cllrs P Chapman, I Franklyn, A Vogel, J Shepherd and County Councillor Nicky Chopak attending.
Apologies received from Cllrs. S Smith, N Osborne and the Clerk Mrs. D.A. Turner.
Cllr. J Shepherd declared an interest in Items 7 & 8 and left the room at the appropriate time.
The minutes had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed as necessary.
Balance at Bank
It was reported that the balance at the Bank is £11,316.31 in the Current A/C and £2802.97 in the Solar A/C. It was suggested looking into an account with interest. Discuss this at a future meeting when everyone is present.
Cyber Protection Officer
Devon & Cornwall Police - Clerk to contact Cllr Chopak at some point on this.
Planning Application PA22/09326
Highway Farm, Jacobstow – Councillors Object to this planning as it was felt that this is an overdevelopment in a rural setting. With the planning for PA22/03981 being proposed on the same site with a total of five dwellings should be attracting affordable housing. Also the entrance to this proposed site is on a hill with a blind bend on the A39. Proposed Cllr. Vogel Seconded Cllr. Chapman.
Planning Application PA22/10057
Trefrida Farm, Jacobstow Reserved Matters Application for Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale following outline consent PA22/03339 dated 23.09.22 - Councillors have no objection. Proposed Cllr. Franklyn Seconded Cllr. Chapman.
Planning Application PA22/09626
Construction of double garage ancilliary to main dwelling and creation of new vehicular access from Edgar Road, Oakdeane, Edgar Road, Wainhouse Corner, Bude. – Councillors have no objections. Would like a condition that it is to be a workshop/garage and cannot be sold separately to the main dwelling. (Architect James Cook attended.) Proposed Cllr. Shepherd Seconded Cllr. Vogel.
It was discussed and agreed to keep the Precept the same as last year being £5,500.00.
Account to pay:-
The Clerk £500.00 Proposed Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. Franklyn (Put Salary amount to discuss on next month’s Agenda)
- Cllr. Chopak has donated a tree for the Parish. Ask the school if they would like it for th eir garden.
- Cllr. Chopak will report the pot holes from Wainhouse Corner down through the village.
There being no further business the meeting was closed.