Minutes of meeting held on 1st August, 2023
- Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired with monthly meeting with Cllrs. P Chapman, S Smith, A Vogel, J Shepherd, I Franklyn, N Osborne, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak, The Clerk, Mrs D.A. Turner and five members of the public attending.
Declarations of Interest
Cllrs C Smith & N Osborne declared an interest in Item 14 on the Agenda and left the room at the appropriate time.
The minutes of the last meeting had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed.
Balance at Bank
It was reported that the balance at the bank was £14,147.44 in the Current a/c and £2666.80 in the Solar a/c.
Chestnut Appeal
This was discussed and agreed to write to the Chestnut Appeal and say we would consider their request at the beginning of next year when donations are normally given.
Cornwall Council
Cornwall Council had approved Planning Applications No PA23/04793 – The Cow Shed, Jacobstow and PA23/03685 – Redundant building, Blagdon Farm, Jacobstow.
Health & Safety concerns
Letter received from Mr M Quance stating that he had concerns regarding the kerbstones which have become dangerous outside the properties at Lower Kents. Councillors discussed this and asked the Clerk to write to Mr Quance asking him to check his Deeds to see who actually owns the pavement.
Accounts to pay
All Points Accountancy (Internal Auditor) £50.00
Proposed we pay Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. Vogel
It was agreed that the Clerk ask All Points Accountancy to do the Internal Audit again next year. -
Planning Application No 23/03746
Detached lifetime home – Land adj. to Water Vale, Canworthy Water. Reply saying Councillors object to this Application as its not infill and its likely to flood it being on a flood plain.
Planning Application No PA23/05413
Outline planning permission with some matters reserved for an Agricultural workers dwelling. – Land South of Tobarn, Jacobstow. Councillors support this application.
Planning Application No PA23/04306 – Windel Solar 4 Ltd
Development Comprising the delivery of a ground mounted solar farm alongside assoc. infrastructure including distribution substation upgrades with the capacity to deliver approx. 42MW of renewable energy. Land North of Canworthy House, Canworthy Water. It had been agreed with the four Parishes to ask the Applicant to hold a formal meeting to explain their proposals. The dates for this had been suggested as the 14th or 17th August, 2023
Planning Application no PA23/02668
Change of use from vehicle store to two Dwellings – Land adjacent to Tresan, Eden Rd, Wainhouse Corner - Correspondence received from the Planning Dept. Councillors unanimously agreed to go for Option 2 which was “Agree to disagree”. However they would like the customers visiting the Post Office/Shop who park on the Canworthy Water road off the junction to be improved, maybe double yellow at the Developers Expense. This would make the visibility better for everyone including vehicles to and from the proposed new buildings.
Footpaths & Broken Boards
It was noted that the labour to fix the kissing gate is £150 and to replace the broken boards is £50.00
Speed limit 20mph
Cllr. Peter Chapman chaired the meeting for Item 14 on the Agenda.
A local resident has asked if the speed limit can be reduced to 20mph through the village. Clerk to enquire from Oliver Jones if this would be possible.
As there was no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45pm.