February 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 6th February, 2024

  1. Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the meeting with Cllrs. P Chapman, A Vogel, J Shepherd, I Franklyn, N Osborne, The Clerk and two members of the public attending.
  2. Apologies

    Apologies received from Cllr. S Smith and County Cllr. N Chopak.

  3. Declarations

    Cllr. C Smith & Cllr. N. Osborne declared an interest in Item 11 on the Agenda and left the room at the appropriate time.
    Cllr. P Chapman declared an Interest in Item 10 on the Agenda and he left the room at the appropriate time.

  4. Minutes

    The minutes had been sent by Email to all Councillors and were agreed and signed as necessary.

  5. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the Bank is £14,120.69 in the Current A/C and £4,340.53 in the Solar A/C.

  6. Accounts to pay:-

    • Jacobstow Parish Hall - Hire of Hall - £187.00
      Proposed we pay Cllr.P Chapman Seconded Cllr. A Vogel
    • Duchy Defibrillators Annual fee - £228.00
      Proposed we pay Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. Osborne
    • Data Protection Annual fee - £40.00
      Proposed we pay Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. Franklyn
  7. English Heritage

    Letter received from English Heritage saying English Heritage Trust’s funds are limited but the work at Penhallym is on the programme for renewal. Clerk to put this on the April agenda to discuss again.

  8. Empty Properties

    Empty properties was discussed the only one that is known at the moment is Broadlands. Cllr. Chopak is dealing with this.

  9. Planning Application No PA23/09863

    Outline Planning for a proposed dwelling with all matters reserved - Dovedale Cottage, Broad Langdon, Jacobstow. Councillors support this Application.

  10. Planning Application No.PA23/09829

    Proposed change of use and conversion of barn to dwelling house, together with reconstruction of existing garage to bat roost. Councillors support this Application.

  11. Planning Application No. PA23/10339

    Temporary siting of mobile home for Agricultural worker – Land South of Tobarn, Jacobstow. Councillors support this Application.

  12. Planning Application No PA23/17589

    Erection of Slurry Store, Broadlands, Farm. Jacobstow, - Councillors object to this Application. Reply saying they require more information on this slurry store. There is insufficient data. What are the dimensions. What is its construction and what is the slurry ratio.

  13. Annual Donations

    It was decided and unanimously agreed to give the following donations:-

    • Eden Graveyard Fund £150
    • Jacobstow Church Graveyard Fund £150
    • Cornwall Air Ambulance £200.00
  14. Hedgehogs

    Hedgehog signs. This to be discussed next month.

  15. Councillor matters

    It was brought to the Councils attention that the Bus Shelter needs cleaning. This to be looked into.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm

List of Expenses for February 2024
Payee Expense Amount
Jacobstow Parish Hall Hire of Hall £187.00
Duchy Defibrillators Annual fee £228.00
ICO Data Protection £40.00
Annual Donations
Payee Amount
Eden Graveyard Fund £150.00
Jacobstow Church Graveyard Fund £150.00
Cornwall Air Ambulance £200.00